3 Ps for a date 3 Ps for the Role of a Husband
Planned for > Preside
Paid for > Provide
Paired off > Protect
Dating can either be super fun...or dreadful really. Either way, God has provided a way for men to better understand their roles as a husband and father even before becoming one! For a date to be considered a date, it must be planned, paid for, and paired off (As Elder Oaks explains). As a man plans for what they'll be doing, he is invested and spending time to make it something they both would like to do. He takes the initiative to ask, he is proactive, and puts some effort into showing that he is at least looking forward to the date. He is preparing to preside for his family by doing this, not necessarily making all the decisions by himself, but initiating and making things happen in his family. This can also help him prepare for being the head of household in the family. Having a date paid for doesn't mean you have to go out and spend tons of money, but that he provides the resources for the date. This is helping a man learn how to provide for the family. When a date is paired off, first, there is no confusion as to who is on a date with who, or even knowing if you are even on a date. During the date, the man should be committed for that evening so she feels secure and emotionally cared for. He is aware of her needs. By taking her out, essentially, he is responsible for her and accountable for his agency. There can be boundaries created for the first date to instill protection. This allows men to prepare for protecting his family. SIMPLY BRILLIANT!
The best predictor of future behavior is based on past behavior and current behavior.
In a relationship there needs to be a sense of togetherness, communication, and quality time spent to better understand each other. As we court we should share a variety of activities and see each other in all "four seasons" to know how someone could react in certain situations. We shouldn't limit ourselves to what we do. We need to go out and have fun doing it! There is casual dating that leads and prepares us for steady dating, that in the end will eventually lead us to a celestial marriage. the way you start your marriage is usually how the marriage will stay. Most women marry thinking "Things will change," but most men marry thinking, "I hope things don't change." We can prepare for our roles as husband and wife as we date now.
One of the BEST talks from this class on dating and marriage is below. I KNOW, I KNOW, who wants to read another talk, but it's THAT good!!
http://speeches.byu.edu/?act=viewitem&id=215 <<<<READ ME.