"Search inward, reach outward, look heavenward." ~Thomas S. Monson

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm a girl.

It is so important to understand gender because there are roles and responsibilities that come with it. We know that our gender was determined before we even got to earth. I believe that when we understand and embrace our gender and our roles, out society would work better and there would be less contention. There is a quote from President Hunter which I love. He states, "I hope the time never comes when women will be brought down to the level with men. When women come to the point of realizing that it is more important to be superior than to be equal, they will find the real joy in living those principles that the Lord has set out in his divine plan."

A boy trying to be a girl and a girl trying to be a boy is not the answer. We can only live up to our divine potential if we understand our gender roles. As we work together in a marriage, we can become unified and be more complete experiencing eternal happiness. Elder Bateman said, "Spiritual growth is enhanced because of the differences" that we have. Gender is key. It is part of the plan. There are some roles that men can accomplish and other that women are better at. Guess what? THAT'S OKAY. Equality doesn't mean that we have to be the same. The analogy of the airplane is a perfect example, wings are needs on both side equally working together, but are opposite.

Men and women complement each other. God made us that way. We can become whole, completed, and perfected as we work together embracing our different gender roles.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! Such a fun blog post! Love your content!
