Yep, that's basically the way it happens.

The way someone communicates really does tell about about them, who they are, their personality, ideas they have, their perspective, how they cope with different situations, how they feel, and what they think. This can happen through words, lack of words, tone of voice, and non-verbal communication.
There are many times that people can clearly understand what our point is, and others that have no idea what point we are trying to get across. This is either because the receiver doesn't understand the message presented, or the giver is not expressing themselves in a clear manner for the other person to understand. It might be clear to one person and not the other, and that is why it is so important to have effective communication skills.
Words- 14%
Tone- 35%
Non-verbal 51%
So when communicating, there is actually being more communicated by your nonverbal and your tone of voice, than it is with your actual words.
Build people up in every conversation so that you can always communicate in a positive way.
There is great power that comes with someone who can communicate well.
Do you communicate well?
Do people understand you?
Can you decode what people communicate to you?
And remember instead of getting defensive in a conflict, communicate compassion and see what changes.
Words- 14%
Tone- 35%
Non-verbal 51%
So when communicating, there is actually being more communicated by your nonverbal and your tone of voice, than it is with your actual words.
Build people up in every conversation so that you can always communicate in a positive way.
There is great power that comes with someone who can communicate well.
Do you communicate well?
Do people understand you?
Can you decode what people communicate to you?
And remember instead of getting defensive in a conflict, communicate compassion and see what changes.