"Search inward, reach outward, look heavenward." ~Thomas S. Monson

Saturday, November 16, 2013


When a family crisis occurs, the family can either be ripped apart or can pull them closer than they had ever been. A crisis can be anything from a death of a family member, to health problems, to divorce, to even having a new baby. Something interesting is that a family crisis is not always a bad thing though there is a bad connotation to it when we here the word.

Below is how the Japanese write the word "Crisis." It is "danger" and "opportunity" put together to understand they are saying "crisis." So we can see that there is an opportunity to grow though it may be a bumpy ride. When we go through a crisis we can turn inward and our family will support each other to get through it, or they will find support elsewhere and their whole family system could change. Below is an image of the word "Crisis" in Japanese. 

We can't control everything that happens in our lives, but we can control the choices we make. Learning to mentally let things go will help one not be depressed or have anxiety.

With the Symbolis Systems Theory, we can see how a crisis is represented:

A- actual event

B- resources and responses (how people utilize their resources)

C- cognitions

Think of some crisis' your family went through. How did your family react? How did you react? Did it change your family? Was your family pulled closer together and pushed apart?
How did you cope (or deal with the situation)?

During a crisis choose to allow that opportunity to bring family members closer together and endure through the trial.

“Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come.” ~ Elder Holland

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