As we date, we need to make sure we just don't slide right into engagement and forget about courtship. Courtship is a very important step because it is here were we lean an awful lot about the person to progress in the relationship or to terminate it. Once your have courted and seen your significant other in different situations, activities, environment, and how they interact with other people, it will help create a stronger bond and connect.
You decide when you would like to ask certain questions before you determine if you would like to plan a future with this person. Questions could include:
How many children to have and when?
Who does the housework?
What are the rules with the in-laws?
Where and what do you do for the holidays?
If there is a difference in opinion, who's wins?
Where to live?
Will the woman take his last name? Keep her own? Hyphenate it?
Establishing good patterns and habits early in marriage will help a marriage through the harder times.
There are transitions that really start the first day of marriage that we have to adapt and/or accommodate to.
Some include:
The roles of husband and wife
Sleeping habits/sharing the bed
Eating habits
Spending habits/budgeting
Sharing bathroom, (personal space)
Personal activities
Be of "One flesh and one heart."
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